Barton reading program certification

Barton Reading and Spelling System/Ortan Gillingham Influenced /Approved by the California Department of Education/ Supported by independent Scientific Research/ One on one tutoring/

The Barton Reading and Spelling System is divided into 10 levels. These levels cover the following topics:

Phonemic Awareness, Consonants & Short Vowels, Closed Syllables and Units, Syllable Division & Vowel Teams, Prefixes and Suffixes, Six Reasons for Silent-E, Vowel-R Syllables, Advanced Vowel Teams, Influences of Foreign Languages, Greek Words & Latin Roots

How long does it take to complete all ten levels?
Since no two people with dyslexia learn at exactly the same pace, we can only provide a range.

If a student has classic, or moderate, dyslexia, and is tutored twice a week in a one-on-one setting for an hour each time, it will take from 2 to 3 years to complete the entire Barton System. So in just 2 to 3 years, you can take a struggling student to the mid-ninth-grade level in reading, spelling, and basic writing.

Students with mild dyslexia may complete the system a bit faster, while students with more severe dyslexia may need 4 to 5 years. The only way a student can make faster progress is to be tutored more often. If a child can be tutored 3 or 4 times a week, they’ll complete the Barton System much faster.

Does a student have to start at Level 1?
Yes, students need to start at Level 1 – no matter how old they are.

That’s because research proves that a lack of phonemic awareness is what is preventing them from being able to read unknown words by sounding them out – and to spell by sounding out. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate each sound in a word – in your head, without letters.

In fact, research shows there are seven essential phonemic awareness skills a student must have before letters will start to make sense. We teach all seven of those skills in Level 1.

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