High School

Are you yearning for the educational freedom and flexibility to explore your interests and talents? We believe education at its best helps students develop a vision of who they are and their unique place in the world. Our high school curriculum is built on rigorous academic standards to encourage critical thinking and intellectual development, and it is customizable so you can combine your educational study with your real-life passions. We prepare you well for college, career, and a lifelong love of learning.

Getting Started
Student Stories
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2 Ways to Use Our Curriculum

Independent Use

This option is for families who want to purchase our curriculum and homeschool independently. Progress at your own pace and plan your study around travel, athletics, and arts activities. Parents are responsible for submitting documentation as required by your State Department of Education or your country’s Ministry of Education.


Distance Learning School

This option is for students who want the structure and guidance provided through enrollment in our accredited distance learning school. Studying at home, students work one-to-one with their teachers, who provide written assessments, narrative evaluations, and grades. Our registrar maintains complete records and transcripts.

High School

Curriculum Overview

Explore Subjects

Advanced Study Project

The Advanced Study Project (ASP) offers students the chance to engage in an exciting and relevant academic, professional, or hybrid study of their own design while earning credit and preparing for the.

For enrollment only
Course Length: One semester or full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Composition: Expression and Understanding

Composition: Expression and Understanding is designed to help students develop essential skills that will form the basis for their long-term development as a writer. Learning to write is a journey.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10

Composition I: The Writer’s Craft

This single-semester course is designed to provide a strong foundation of writing skills for high school, college, and career. The course offers multiple ways for students to develop as readers and.

For independent use only
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 9, 10

Composition 2: Creative Writing and Nonfiction

This single-semester course develops the tools students need to help express themselves in writing with greater clarity and effectiveness. The first half of the course focuses on creative writing as.

For independent use only
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 9, 10

The Hero’s Journey: Literature & Composition, 2nd Edition

The books in the Hero's Journey: Literature & Composition, Second Edition, feature ordinary people who find themselves in circumstances that require extraordinary acts, and how these acts relate.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10

American Literature: Social Transformations

American culture has undergone countless social transformations in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Today, new social transformations are underway. In this course, students will study how.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

American Literature: The Westward Journey

This American Literature course explores how the United States developed its shape and character throughout the 19th century by way of the movement called the Westward Expansion. By reading and.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

Women’s Literature: Worlds of Fantasy and Science Fiction

The course explores themes of identity, gender, race, and social justice, and looks at the literary craft of world building (how a writer creates an elaborate, believable story world). This single.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

Latin American Literature: Borders & Identity

New January 2024! This course explores the history, geography, and stories of the people whose lives and identities have been influenced by borders. Students have the opportunity to hear voices that.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

World Literature: Africa and Beyond

This course will explore the experience of being at home in the world as well as the experience of losing one's place. Each of the novels in this course is a unique coming-of-age story set in Africa.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

American Literature: Classics

Through American Literature: Classics, students explore the thoughts and feelings of those who have lived on this land that we now call the United States. Through their words, they experience the.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11, 12

World Literature: Classics

In our World Literature: Classics course, students read the works of contemporary and historical international authors and refine grammar and composition skills through numerous writing assignments.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11, 12

British Literature

Prepare to dive into the worlds of heroes, monsters, fairies, and kings. This course presents a selection of works of British literature beginning with Beowulf, the earliest written work of British.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11, 12

Word: The Poet’s Voice

This poetry course explores the writing craft needed to produce poems that deserve to be read. Students will study various themes: from nature writing to love poetry; spoken word and.

For independent use only
Course Length: One semester
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Saxon Algebra I (for Independent Use)

This course covers essential algebraic concepts. Emphasis is placed on applying algebraic and geometric skills to solve word problems. The following skills are covered: evaluation of.

For independent use only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10

Algebra 1 (for enrolled students)

In this high school Algebra 1 course, students will become familiar with algebraic content and skills. They will practice skills using self-corrected exercise sets in preparation for chapter tests.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full Year
Grade Level: 9, 10

Saxon Geometry (for Independent Use)

This geometry course introduces students to the basic theorems of Euclidean plane geometry and their applications, and it explores both plane and solid geometric figures. Students learn how to prove.

For independent use only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 10, 11

Geometry (for enrolled students)

In this high school Geometry course, students will become familiar with geometric concepts, constructs, and skills. They will practice skills using self-corrected exercise sets in preparation for.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full Year
Grade Level: 10, 11

Math Connections

Math Connections is a problem-solving course focused on topics and applications relevant to life in today’s world. Every lesson includes mental math activities, journaling, textbook readings, and.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11, 12

Saxon Algebra II (for Independent Use)

In Algebra II, students integrate topics from Algebra I and Geometry, and they begin the study of trigonometry. The course provides opportunities for continued practice of the fundamental concepts of.

For independent use only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11

Algebra II (for enrolled students)

In this high school Algebra 2 course, students will expand on the algebraic content introduced in Algebra 1 and develop more complex knowledge and skills. They will practice skills using.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full Year
Grade Level: 11


This Precalculus course prepares students for the study of mathematics at the college level through a presentation of standard precalculus topics, including substantial new material on discrete.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 12

Calculus I

Saxon Calculus I focuses on all the topics normally covered in an Advanced Placement AB-level calculus program. The text begins with a thorough review of those mathematical concepts and skills.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 12

Calculus II

This one-semester, one-half-credit Oak Meadow course is a continuation of the full-year Calculus I course. It picks up where Calculus I ended and completes the final 1/3 of the Saxon textbook.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One semester
Grade Level: 12

Life Experience Credit

To honor the rich possibilities of the distance learning experience, Oak Meadow encourages students to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities. Through our Life Experience Credit (LEC).

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

World History: Communities and Connections

This course is anchored by questions about how and why human societies rise and fall and learning how diverse cultures and societies around the world developed and interacted. Students will practice.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Sustainable Food Systems

Note January 2024: The title of this course has been changed from Foodways: Sustainable Food Systems to Sustainable Food Systems. Food is fundamental to human existence. Historical events, cultural.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

World Geography

The study of world geography involves understanding the natural forces that shape our planet and the interactions between people and their environment. It’s about how human activity can modify the.

For independent use only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10

Critical Media Literacy

New for 2023! Critical media literacy is about learning how to critically engage with, and make sense of, the media. This course helps students develop the analytic tools needed to examine media.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One semester
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12


New January 2024! This single-semester course introduces students to the fundamentals of economics. Economics is important because everyone participates in it every day, and it affects our decisions.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

United States Government: By the People, for the People

In this single-semester course, traditional topics related to U.S. government (the Constitution, three branches of government, federal and state governments, etc.) are covered, as well as lessons on.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

Race and Ethnic Studies: Power and Perspective

Race and ethnic studies emphasize the intersections of forms of social differentiation, including race, ethnicity, class, gender, ability, and sexuality, and examine how these forms of differentiation.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

Psychology: Journey Towards Self-Knowledge

This engaging and rigorous psychology course is designed to help students become more aware of themselves as unique individuals. Delving into their own experiences, students are encouraged to be.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

A Sense of Place: The Geography of Global Change

In this full year project-based world geography course, for enrolled students only, students will learn and utilize geography skills and perspectives to explore vital real-world challenges related to.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11, 12

Latin I

Using a reading-based approach, students are introduced to Latin I grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure through a fictional storyline based on an actual household in Pompeii during the days.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Latin II

Latin II focuses on translation of works written in Latin. In addition, using readings and activities in a wide variety of topics, students learn more about the culture of the Roman people. Our.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Spanish I

In this introductory Spanish I course, students are introduced to grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure while learning about the culture, history, and geography of a wide range of.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Spanish II

Spanish II is an intermediate-level course that uses both textbook and online material. Students begin to develop strong vocabulary and grammar skills through a study of culture, cultural readings.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Spanish III

In Spanish III, students move to a higher level of the spoken and written language and become comfortable using Spanish in a wide variety of conversational and written activities. More advanced.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11, 12

French I

French I is an introduction to the study of French is newly designed and written to be studied with a printed text and online access. The Holt website provides audio comprehension narratives and.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

French II

French II is an intermediate-level course that is studied both with a textbook and online. Each chapter contains sections on vocabulary, grammar, culture, cultural readings, writing, and review.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

French III

The French III program uses the latest technology in learning a world language. This updated course consists of the student text and online access to links with valuable resources. Features include.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 11, 12

Level IV Language Study

Oak Meadow offers advanced study in Spanish and French through an individualized tutorial developed in partnership with the language teacher. These full year courses give the student experience in.

For enrollment only
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 12

Dual Enrollment

Oak Meadow encourages dual enrollment to support students who wish to pursue academic interests beyond the Oak Meadow course offerings. Courses taken at other accredited schools can be included, with.

For enrollment only
Course Length: One semester, full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Fundamentals of Physics

New January 2024! This full-year course is an in-depth exploration into introductory physics. In addition to textbook reading and questions, it includes analytical problem solving, research, and.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full Year
Grade Level: 11, 12

Health and Wellness

New January 2024! This full-year course provides students with a solid understanding of health, wellness, and physical fitness. Students are encouraged to think critically about health-related.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full Year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

United States History: Conflict and Compromise

New January 2024! This full-year course on United States history begins with a brief introduction to the Americas before 1492 and looks closely at the colonial era, imperial conflicts, and the early.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full Year
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Environmental Science for a Changing World

Environmental Science for a Changing World, Second Edition, introduces fundamental ecological concepts and explores the interactions between all living things, including humans, and our environment.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10

Biology: The Study of Life

In this course, students will be immersed in the study of the living things that surround them. They'll be learning how life is defined and how they fit into the whole picture. The course is.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11

Human Anatomy and Physiology

The course is a single semester, 0.5 credit course with a lab component. It is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. There are 11 lessons over 18 weeks; lessons are 1–3 weeks in length and.

For enrollment only
Course Length: one semester
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Chemistry Matters

Chemistry is the study of matter through observation and experimentation. In this course, students get a rigorous hands-on introduction to the topics, tools, terms, mathematics, and practices of the.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full Year
Grade Level: 11, 12

Forensic Science

Forensic Science is a hands-on laboratory and project-based learning course that will lead the student through a foundation of law and criminal justice, history of forensics, and modern scientific.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 11, 12

Global Climate Change in the 21st Century

In this single-semester science course, students are carefully guided through the complex information and systems related to global climate change. They learn to consider multiple ways of knowing that.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One Semester
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Integrated Drawing

Integrated Drawing is an experiential course that is designed to help students of all skill levels learn to draw. Students learn the basics of perspective, shading, proportion, color, and.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Drawing and Design

In this Drawing and Design course, students are introduced to the primary concepts of drawing and design using exercises and readings designed to enhance artistic skills and appreciation. These.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12


The painting course introduces painting in terms of color and design, and explores representational skills as well as non-representational and abstract elements. This course helps develop basic skills.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: Full year
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Introduction to Photography

Photography is a relatively new art, less than 200 years old, but one that changes the way we interpret the world around us and, quite simply, the way we see. This course will teach such.

For independent use and enrollment
Course Length: One semester
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Physical Education

Oak Meadow enrolled students are required to complete 120 hours (1 credit) of physical education in order to graduate. But students can meet their Physical Education requirements in many ways! For.

For enrollment only
Course Length: One semester
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

High School

Student Stories

Unschooler to distance learner


Are you happily homeschooling but want more structure?

Until she was 11-years-old, Becca was “unschooled,” meaning her family allowed her to learn on an informal basis and to pursue activities like dancing, horse riding, and soccer. She eventually wanted a more structured school environment, and her parents discovered Oak Meadow. Enrollment provided a rigorous academic framework, but also the chance for Becca to pursue her passion for travel. She studied abroad in Sweden (where she earned Oak Meadow credit for a language immersion program), France (where she completed her Advanced Study Project), and India, and learned how to integrate those experiences with her Oak Meadow studies.

“Oak Meadow has allowed me to become responsible for my own education. I’m the one who must make sure I get my work done and that I understand it. I think giving young people a chance to become more independent and responsible is the best thing a school can teach. Oak Meadow also has given me the opportunity to learn things that extend far beyond the printed textbook.”


An actor’s life for me! Pursue your passion while earning credit.

Seth has been homeschooled his entire life, but as high school drew near, he wanted a more structured school program with the support of experienced teachers and to earn an accredited high school diploma. Seth says Oak Meadow is a great fit because it allows him to be involved in and get credit for the things he loves (he earned life experience credit for an internship at the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts) while staying focused on his future academically.

“Ever since I was young, I’ve had a passion for the performing arts. Every year I participate in several full scale musical theatre productions. Weekly I take dance, voice, and acting lessons. In addition to my passion for being onstage, I also interned in the education department of a local performing arts center, which broadened my interest in the administrative side of putting on a production. Oak Meadow has allowed me to chase my dreams!”


Reach for the stars beyond traditional school walls.

Euan attended traditional school growing up and was a successful student, but he thought a distance learning program would better help him meet his music goals: to study cello at a performance conservatory, then to pursue a graduate degree in conducting. According to one of his Oak Meadow teachers, Euan also has blossomed as a scholar, citing the way Euan learned to weave his musical background into the analysis of a complicated poem.

“If you already know what you want to do in your life, a distance learning program will help you manage your own schedule while you work towards your goals. My Oak Meadow teachers are kind and supportive, and they understand my crazy schedule, especially when I have competitions and concerts to conduct. I appreciate their insightful comments and feedback on my academic work. They always encourage me to think deeper.“

International and US college bound


Earn an accredited U.S. diploma!

Marcos lives in Mexico. When he was preparing for high school, Marcos wasn’t satisfied with the local school options, so he and his family researched other opportunities. Marcos wanted three things: to study in English at an accredited U.S. school; to have the flexibility to train, compete, and travel with his Ultimate Frisbee team; and to have the freedom to work at his own pace as well as the challenge of learning how to study independently. He’s been successful on all counts and is heading to a U.S. college next year.

“Distance learning isn’t easy. It requires an incredible amount of discipline, focus, and the ability to plan ahead and organize your time. My teachers have been amazing. I’m impressed with the amount of feedback they give me, how fast they grade my work, and their constructive and positive comments. Something I didn’t expect was that I’d interact with other OM students, but I’ve made good friends!”


Be free. Sail the seas! Bring your education wherever you go.

Alex and his family enjoy a unique lifestyle: For the last couple of years, they’ve lived on a sailboat and traveled around the Caribbean Sea. To Alex, who formerly attended a traditional school, one of the best things about being enrolled in Oak Meadow is the ability to schedule his education around his life, rather than the other way around. Check out these FAQs about Oak Meadow high school, including how we integrate learning and technology.

“I can do all my schoolwork offline, using internet only for research, turning in assignments, and communication with my teachers. This makes doing schoolwork in remote locations, with limited internet access, possible. I plan out my work each weekday: I study in the mornings and evenings, so the bulk of my day is available for other activities. It’s much better than being stuck in a classroom eight hours a day. I feel I’m getting an even better education while also having the freedom to enjoy life.”


Set goals and do what you love, without missing school.

When Paige moved with her family from the U.S. to France, she enrolled in Oak Meadow so she could study in English while learning about different cultures around Europe. With an eye on college, she has been able to take the necessary prep courses while experiencing French life and the local arts, such as wine-making and bread-making (her Advanced Study Project focused on those artisanal crafts). She has traveled on her own to Portugal, Germany, and Canada, integrating her academics with what she absorbs when visiting other countries.

“I wouldn’t be able to travel or pursue my hobbies nearly as much had I been at a traditional school. I’ve also become closer with my family, healthier (I have time to exercise, cook my own food, relax with my art), and more independent and self-reliant since enrolling at Oak Meadow.”


Want an education that feeds your intellect and your heart?

Paresa and her family live on a farm in Texas, and she loves doing daily chores and caring for their animals. That natural compassion led to Paresa’s dedication to volunteer work and public service. Oak Meadow allows her to create a schedule that accommodates her interests. For example, she works with a local political action group (block walking, registering voters, and informing the public), and she’s a regular volunteer at her local library. Her teachers recognized her leadership skills and excellence in academics by nominating her for the Oak Meadow chapter of the National Honor Society.

“While many students may thrive in the typical classroom setting, others, like me, do better when they have more freedom with their education. Distance learning not only allows you to learn from the traditional assignments you are given, but also from the experiences you discover through your own endeavors.“

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Oak Meadow English & Literature - High School

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Oak Meadow Math - High School

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Oak Meadow Science - High School

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Oak Meadow Social Studies - High School

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Oak Meadow Fine Arts - High School

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Oak Meadow Health & Physical Education - High School

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Or Enroll In Our Accredited Distance Learning School

Advanced Study Project

For enrollment only

The Advanced Study Project (ASP) offers students the chance to engage in an exciting and relevant academic, professional, or hybrid study of their own design while earning credit and preparing for the challenging work of college and beyond. During this single-semester (0.5 credit) project or full-year (1 credit), students have the opportunity to develop a specific area of interest by working with both a local mentor and an Oak Meadow faculty advisor, who guide them through the initial process of shaping and fine-tuning their proposal, developing an outline and planning sheet, all the way to the completion of the final project. As part of the experience, students will be required to present their final project to peers and attend three other student presentations at the Oak Meadow Project Seminar Series (a student run forum at which students share their work).

Students must enroll in Oak Meadow School to take advantage of this opportunity; single course, semester, or full year tuition fee applies. Students may choose to design and complete a full-year study project or two single-semester projects spread throughout their Oak Meadow career. There are three Advanced Study Project options: an academic project, a professional work experience, or a hybrid approach. (Please note: Students may enroll in the Advanced Study Project to earn transferable credit, without enrolling in any other Oak Meadow courses. An application form is required.)

Academic Advance Study: In the Academic Advanced Study Project, students engage in a research-based learning experience that culminates in a final project that can take many forms: a research paper, a portfolio of experiments or essays, multimedia or video presentation. Topics for the project can include any area of interest, broadly categorized into the subjects of science, literature, and history. Examples include alternative fuel sources, bird migration, current foreign policy, peace studies, multicultural literature, graphic novels, the Civil War, etc. Our faculty advisors work with students to clarify interests and create clear guidelines for study and assignments.

Professional Advanced Study: In the Professional Advanced Study Project, students spend a minimum of 4.5 hours per week gaining hands-on experience in an active work environment. Through mentorship of a skilled professional, students gain skill and experience in a range of disciplines: musical or visual arts, crafts and trades such as carpentry and building, weaving, farming, cooking, film production, business and accounting, web design, education, etc. The final project includes a well-maintained weekly journal, documented hours and accomplishments, a mentor review, and a final essay reflecting on the learning experience and future ambitions.

Hybrid Advanced Study: The Hybrid Advanced Study Project allows students to develop projects that combine the benefits of both the academic and professional programs, incorporating onsite, experiential learning with academic research, writing, and presentation. This hybrid option can be used to blend academic, professional, and creative elements, or to incorporate several threads of study and experience.

Course Length: One semester or full year

Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12