Have You Filled A Bucket Today is a free story that children can download and read. This story talks to young children about being kind using a simple analogy to teach young children about kindness. Everybody has invisible buckets from birth. We experience happiness when our bucket is full and sadness when it is empty. When we contribute to others' buckets being filled, the magic begins.
While using a simple metaphor of a bucket and a dipper, author Carol McCloud illustrates that when we choose to be kind, we not only fill the buckets of those around us but also fill our OWN bucket! Conversely, when we choose to say or do mean things, we are dipping into buckets. All day long, we are either filling up or dipping into each other's buckets by what we say and what we do. When you're a bucket filler, you make the world a better place!
This story teaches young children valuable lessons about giving, sharing, and caring. Showing kindness and appreciation for others goes a long way to making this world a happier place for everyone, including ourselves.
This 32-page picture book is perfect for teaching empathy, nurturing kindness and creating a positive environment for children.
Click the link to download the story for FREE: Have You Filled A Bucket Today?
Throughout the story, simple bucket-filling actions are demonstrated that are simple for young children to understand:
The most significant lesson is that kindness fills buckets, and when we fill ours with kindness, our buckets fill up too.
Talk to children about ways to show love and care. You might ask questions like
Keep The Bucket Kindness Going Each Day
This book offers an ideal opportunity to discuss the influence of kindness and our words and deeds on other people. The invisible bucket idea seems to resonate particularly well with kids, who rapidly pick up on how it all works. Most kids, I've discovered, adore the thought of filling buckets.
Fun With Mama