Sign-Up Process

The Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) manages the agreements between the courts and the creditors for the creditors to receive their notices electronically. The sign-up process consists of:

The online registration process retains your information for 3 days if you can’t complete the agreement in one session. You must use the same computer in subsequent sessions. Agreements are typically activated within two weeks.

How Email Noticing Works

Email Transmission

The Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) will transmit emails each evening. Emails contain a link to one or more PDFs. The following guidelines apply to Email Link:

    You have an opportunity to view and print PDFs without cost. If you prefer to save or print the file, you must do so on your first use of the link.

It is the policy of the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts that you have only one opportunity to use this link. If you try to use the link a second time, you will be redirected to the court's fee-based electronic access service. There will be a cost of 10 cents per page to view and print.

Email Link Format

Email Link recipients can select one of the following options:

Each email will be formatted as follows:

  1. A subject header containing the BNC email serial number and your Noticing ID number. The serial number increases each time you are sent a message in order to help you determine that you have received all of your emails.
  2. Text that describes the number of notices and total notice pages.
  3. Text that shows the name & address of the recipient, case number, court form code, originating court and title of document filed for each notice.


PDF requirement

It is recommended that you use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you do not have this software, you can download it free of charge »here«.

Noticing Agreement

After completing our online Noticing Agreement Sign Up process, you must sign and mail the agreement to the BNC to begin service. Mail to:

Bankruptcy Noticing Center
45479 Holiday Drive
Sterling, VA 20166-9411

If you require help, you may call our toll-free support number: 877-837-3424 Weekdays 9am-5pm EST.

  1. Email Link service will begin approximately two weeks after you complete and return the Noticing Agreement.
  2. During the first 30 days of Email Link service, the BNC also will mail a paper copy so that you can confirm the process is working properly. The "redundant mode" begins from the date the BNC sets up your service, not the date of your first EBN notice.
  3. After 30 days, all notices processed by the court will be only available through Email Link. Call the BNC at 877-837-3424 if you have other specific needs.

When you complete the Noticing Agreement, you must supply the BNC with all names and addresses for which you want court notices to be sent electronically, plus any name or address variations that appear on notices you currently receive from the bankruptcy courts. The BNC name and address matching process follows:

  1. The BNC sends a notice electronically when the names and addresses listed on your Noticing Agreement match a name and address provided in the bankruptcy court mailing matrix.
  2. If the recipient name and address in the court's mailing matrix do not match any names or addresses on the Noticing Agreement, the BNC will mail the notice through the U.S. Postal Service.
  3. For details and examples of the EBN Name & Address Matching process, »click here«.

How Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Works

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is for creditors who receive large volumes of notices (typically dozens per day or more) who want to get data elements to import into their account management systems. EDI is only available for Section 341 First Meeting, Discharge, Dismissal and Notice of Assets forms. This option is for creditors who have an EDI infrastructure already in place upon which to build. XML in an email notice should also be considered. Further information on EDI is found in the EDI FAQ and Resources page.

How Preferred Address Works

The preferred address is for notice recipients who do not have the ability to receive notices electronically or to resolve instances where an electronic address is no longer functioning. Notices will be sent to the new address via US Mail. The creditor provides a new address to receive notices for all cases where the Name and Address Matching process is successful. Recipients wishing to provide a preferred address for a specific case only should contact the court for that case.